Inns and Recipes will be featuring recipes from fellow innkeepers who share the same passion and creativity with food that they create for their guests. Inns and Recipes is in the beginning of its journey as we seek out to create an extensive list of recipes. Feel free to browse the recipes that the innkeeper at Cranberry Manor Bed and Breakfast has shared.
Inns and Recipes
Inns and BNB Recipes Shared by Innkeepers
Inns and Recipes is in the beginning of its journey collecting recipes from innkeepers.
Cranberry Manor Bed and Breakfast has posted some of their guest favorites to share with fellow innkeepers, home cooks, and chefs. We look forward to hearing from other innkeepers.
So please browse, share and check back as continues to grow.
Inns and Recipes Featured Recipe "Peach Upside Down Pancake"
Very elegant yet simple dish as the peach is halved, topped off with cinnamon sugar and then baked till tender. The peach shown was from Lancaster, PA and was almost the size of a softball. The peach was very flavorful and ripe which made this dish even more amazing.
Light and yet flavorful crepes can vary from sweet to savory to stuffed or just topped off. The combinations are limitless. We top ours with a triple berry sauce and whipped cream.
Crepes with Triple Berry Sauce Recipe provided by “Cranberry Manor Bed and Breakfast” located in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania.